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Certified Motorcycle Origin & Cause Investigations require specific knowledge and expertise in order to ascertain the Origin and Cause of the fire or explosion. A Certified Motorcycle Origin & Cause Investigator must understand how the Motorcycle functions and the construction methods utilized in order to properly determine which direction to proceed in the search for the truth. We have investigated hundreds of Motorcycle Fires and continually provide service to the largest manufacturers, major law firms, law enforcement, owners, corporations and insurance companies. If we can be of assistance in a Certified Motorcycle Estimate of Damage, Certified Motorcycle Appraisal of value, or a Certified Motorcycle Origin and Cause Fire Investigation, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. You may want to visit Our Services page, along with our Reference Letter section. We are available to assist you throughout the United States or abroad.

Harley-Davidson Fires Investigations |

Suzuki Motorcycle Fires Investigation |

Suzuki Motorcycle Electrical Fires Investigation |

Motorcycle Fires Investigation |

Motorcycle Rim Chemical Corrosion Investigation |

Motorcycle Brake Assemble Chemical Corrosion Investigation |

Motorcycle Chemical Attacked Corrosion Investigation |

Motorcycle Engine Chemical Attacked Corrosion Investigation |

Motorcycle Frame Corrosion Investigation |