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Infrared Thermography Imaging Identifies: Motorhome/RV & Marne/Boat Water Leaks, Motorhome/RV Mold, Motorhome/RV & Marine/Boat Laminate Failure, Motorhome/RV & Marine/Boat Electrical Shorts
It’s like DNA, indisputable…and its non-intrusive
Motorhome/RV Certified Infrared Thermography Image Exploration
Our professional Certified Motorhome/RV Infrared Thermography Image Investigations or Certified Marine/Boat Infrared Thermography Image Investigations by a noninvasive means of monitoring and diagnosing the Motorhome/RV or Marine/Boat for production quality, water intrusion, laminate separations, mold-growth, electrical shorting or loose connections, or energy use inefficiency.
Certified Motorhome/RV Infrared Thermal Imaging or Certified Marine/Boat Infrared Thermal Imaging enables us to visually experience and measure heat. When materials emit heat energy it can only be seen on the infrared spectrum and not by the human eye. Our IR cameras not only see the temperature differences, they record the temperature differences on a jpg format for photographic printing.
We also are able to utilize our IR cameras in a Real-time mode, which allows us to see the images as the camera is moved. When water either heats up or cools down it does so at a different temperature than the surrounding material. Motorhome/RV Thermography or Marine/Boat Thermography can pinpoint the exact area of the water leaks, laminate separation, mold moisture and heat generated shorts or loose connections. We use state of the art professional thermal image cameras from the world leader in design and manufacturer to detect temperature variants that clearly reflect problem areas, which cannot be seen by the human eye. We provide a detailed report of the digital images directly linked with corresponding thermal images for ease in understanding of what you are viewing.
The image on the left shows an RV interior with no indication of a water leak. The infrared thermal image on the right cleary shows the presence of a water leak under the slide-out.
Our Certified RV infrared thermal imaging investigation or Certified Boat infrared thermal imaging investigation can easily save thousands of dollars from intrusion destruction by quickly and efficiently revealing the problem area within seconds. When high-resolution thermal image photographs are used in court, the results are explosive. It’s like DNA evidence. It can’t be argued.
The high-resolution imaging thermograph is not limited to the Motorhome/RV or Marine/Boat application.
If you have a special need, please let us know how we might help. If you are in law enforcement, a Motorhome/RV manufacturer or Marine/Boat manufacturer, an attorney, an owner of a motorhome, motor coach, travel trailer, tent camper or fifth wheel we can find the truth without destructive intrusions. See Infrared Thermography reports and images at our IR Gallery. Our professional Certified Infrared Thermography Imaging services are available throughout the United States and abroad.
Click report to zoom in.